Custom Coloring Notepads Still Trending For Businesses

Brands are taking notice of the impact coloring notepads have. Two years after adult coloring became a trend, big brands are designing branded coloring pages. As our society becomes more and more busy, so does our stress level. Coloring notepads are a great stress reliever that can be done any where any time. When you are relaxed and focused, a brand’s message on a custom notepad is a positive experience.

Whether you would consider yourself artistic or not, research points to the importance of incorporating a little bit of creativity in our daily lives. In one study, Yale researcher Zorana Ivcevic examined traits associated with “everyday creativity” – how we express ourselves in everyday situations, including our personal style and devising ways to cope with daily challenges. Those who ranked highly in having an overall “creative lifestyle” tended to be more conscientious, as well as more likely to seek out personal growth. Yet more new research has focused on how creativity, especially in the form of visual art, can improve physical health. In a study of 30 women with disabling chronic illness, those who had taken up art described the hobby as “cathartic,” distracting their thoughts away from their pain and promoting feelings of “flow and spontaneity.” Research also suggests that engaging patients with art can shorten the length of hospital stays by reducing stress and anxiety.

Check out what everyone has been talking about here. The Coloring Notepad comes in several sizes and themes, including Holiday themed notepads. All notepads can be fully customized. Contact us to learn more and order your custom printed notepads today.

"Things To Do-odle" Coloring Pads 3 ½" x 8"                          "Things to Do-odle" Coloring Pads 5 ½" x 8 ¼"

"Things To Do-odle" Coloring Pads 3 ½" x 8"                         Standard "Things To Do-odle" Personalized w/ 5 Different Image - 5 ½ x 8


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